The Cost of Distractions

Image credit: Photo by from Pexels

Which currency dominates the 21st century? Is it USD, CNY, EUR or BTC? None of them. It’s attention.

In our modern lives, attention is the coin that everyone competes for. We are confronted with thousands of signals, messages and distractions each day. One can easily spend all day shopping for products, seeking entertainment, reading the news or just mindlessly reacting to push notifications. The siren songs are always present, offering us a quick rush of instant gratification whenever we react to them.

Becoming aware of one’s own distraction patterns is often harder than expected. Personally, I have found regular reflections to be useful. Writing down what I intend to do and then checking what I have actually done helps a lot. Once aware, we can regain control of our attention by cultivating focus:

Focus is the ability to concentrate on a single task for a prolonged period of time without getting distracted.

Now, that doesn’t mean you have to be perfectly focussed all day. You can (and should) have deliberate periods of relaxation to recharge your batteries. However, many people are no longer able to stick with a task for more than a few minutes. Instead, they are easily distracted by their phones, other people or wandering thoughts.

Lack of focus is a big disadvantage for knowledge workers like software engineers. If you can’t focus, you will struggle with things like:

  • Learning new skills, languages or tool.
  • Understanding requirements and solving complex problems.
  • Writing an article on a deeper topic.
  • Debugging issues that are hard to reproduce.
  • Reflecting on your day and planning new steps.
  • Listening to others and having conversations on complex topics.

I have certainly had phases of higher distraction in my life. Whenever I became aware of this, I made some adjustments to my environment and work style to bring me back to a happier and more productive state.

How do you handle distractions and focus in your life? Can you recommend any techniques for managing attention effectively?

Note: You can also find this episode on YouTube and Spotify.

#Focus #Distractions #Reflection #SoftwareEngineering #KnowledgeWork

Bastian Isensee
Bastian Isensee
Software Engineer (Freelancer)

Quality-driven Software Engineer focused on business needs, knowledge sharing, FinTechs, Golang and Java